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Tetris Plus 2

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 3:19 am
by username
The ms32 driver has been worked on a lot recently, but 1 thing that resulted that doesn't seem to be mentioned in the WIP is that the original version of Tetris Plus 2 in ms32.cpp is now working on its own. Previously, you needed to have both the original and the inferior version that was released later in tetrisp2.cpp, both of which were more than 6 MB. Now the original is just over 8 MB and doesn't need anything from the later version in order to work. I found this out completely by accident, and thought other people would like to know.

Re: Tetris Plus 2

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 3:27 am
by username
Also, Vs. Janshi Brandnew Stars' ms32 version now works on its own, and doesn't need the bnstars.cpp version anymore. This is a mahjong game, however, so it's hard to care that much.