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difference between "mame" and "mame [GAME]"

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 1:37 pm
by toto.castaldi
Hi at all,

i'm using mame 0.178 .

i've a problem with a particul machine (i'm trying mame with some ROM).

If i execute

Code: Select all

mame mslug
the game goes correctly.

Instead if i choose the game from the graphical menu available after the

Code: Select all

i obtain a "the selected machine missing one or more required ROM or CHD images. Please select a different machine".

Screenshot from 2016-10-07 14-35-38.png
Screenshot from 2016-10-07 14-35-38.png (237.61 KiB) Viewed 4079 times
Why the behaviour is different ? Where i'm wrong ?


Re: difference between "mame" and "mame [GAME]"

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 2:28 pm
by Tafoid
I'm going to guess that your is missing bits, or you a part (or parts) of the romset which do not match CRC32 hash MAME expects. When using the GUI, you need to have a 100% match to what MAME expects. Via command-line, you are allowed to launch and MAME will run so long as the individual parts of the romset are the same romname.

I'd suggest you audit the game via command-line:

Code: Select all

mame -verifyroms mslug
I'm willing to bet it doesn't pass that audit.

Code: Select all

mame -listcrc mslug
This will list what is expected from MAME. Match that output to your mslug/neogeo romset contents.

Re: difference between "mame" and "mame [GAME]"

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 2:57 pm
by toto.castaldi
thank you for the explanation is really clear !

Code: Select all

>mame -verifyroms mslug
mslug       : v2.bin (131072 bytes) - NOT FOUND (neogeo)
mslug       : uni-bios_3_2.rom (131072 bytes) - NOT FOUND (neogeo)
romset mslug [neogeo] is bad
1 romsets found, 0 were OK.