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Tektronix 2465 in-progress emulator

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2023 9:16 pm
by sigurasg
Hey y'all,

I'm writing an emulator for the venerable Tektronix 2465 oscilloscope, and I'd love for someone who knows how to hold MAME to look over my code. I could really use some pointers on what I can do better before I push ahead to emulate the rest of the hardware of this scope. The code is in this branch, and I have a second repo with the assets required to run it. I recorded a short video of the emulation as it stands now. Right now it implements only enough of the hardware to pass the first couple of self-tests, to render the on-screen-display and to allow interacting with the diagnostics menu.

The front panel on this scope has a LOT of controls.

I count some:
  • 27 discrete buttons,
  • 4 dials that are gray coded, two of which are interlocked,
  • 16 pots, many of which are digitized and
  • some of which have an "in detent" switch.
So far I'm at loss for how to implement and present the dials in particular. The SEC/DIV dials can take on some 26 discrete time settings, each of which latches into a nice clicky detent. When the two (A/B sweep) dials are locked together, they move in lockstep. Any advice on how to present this? Maybe 52 distinct in-line SVG images?
